Practice Areas

Agricultural Law

With our extensive agricultural background and knowledge, we routinely handle legal matters for farmers, ranchers, and agri-businesses, such as leases (land, livestock, energy, etc.), contracts, entity formation, transactions, and farm succession planning.

Civil Litigation

Our civil jurisprudence system is in place to resolve private disputes. Our firm has experience in litigating in a number of areas, including real estate disputes (evictions, quiet title actions, etc.), commercial disputes, breach of contract, collections, and more. Whether you are being sued or bringing an action against a party, we will explain each step of the litigation process to you and zealously advocate your position.


Whether you are a start-up company or a well-established business, we understand the legal complexities of starting and operating a successful business. We know the importance of liability protection, tax considerations, and management structure. We can assist you with entity formation, acquisitions, business succession planning, contracts, employment agreements, and more.

Estate Planning

Proper estate planning can minimize potential taxes, preserve family harmony, and avoid uncertainty. Our estate plans are comprehensive and tailored to meet your specific situation. We prepare wills, trusts, durable powers of attorney, health care powers of attorney, medical declarations (living wills), and medical releases for clients of all ages and income levels. For business owners, we will discuss with you all of your options to transfer your business to the next generation and work with you to develop an effective business succession plan to ensure a smooth transition.

Family Law

We counsel clients on all aspects of family law including guardianships, adoption, divorce, prenuptial agreements, child support, spousal maintenance, child custody and paternity matters. We recognize that disputes within a family are of a particularly sensitive and personal nature, so your case will be handled with compassion, understanding, and a steady hand. If we are unable to reach amicable resolutions through negotiation and mediation, we will aggressively advocate on behalf of you for a favorable outcome.

Probate and Trust Administration

When estate assets are transferred after death, that process is known as probate or trust administration. Our attorneys can assist you with this process after the death of a loved one. We have experience probating complex estates and worked with clients in handling Nebraska inheritance tax and the federal estate tax.

Real Estate

The attorneys at Galyen Boettcher Baier PC, LLO have in-depth experience in real estate matters. Our real estate practice areas include real estate sales (agricultural, commercial, and residential), leases, easements, quiet title actions, foreclosures (judicial and non-judicial), evictions, land use and zoning compliance, and boundary disputes.

1031 Exchanges

A “1031 exchange” involves the sale of one property, and the use of the proceeds to invest in another investment property. If structured properly, the tax is deferred and not recognized at that time. Our attorneys have assisted clients with deferred, reverse, and construction/improvement exchanges. We have structured 1031 exchanges involving the sale and purchase of the following examples of investment real estate: farm and ranch ground, commercial real estate, rental properties, investment properties, unimproved land, and improvements constructed upon unimproved land.